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Saturday, December 21, 2024 11:17 AM

Why i am running for office

Rep. Josh Brecheen (RINO)
Votes against the republicans 73% of the time

Thursday, December 12, 2024 11:51 AM

Mr. Trump

Mr. Trump,

My name is David Smith. After writing to you over 40 times in just over 30 days, I have still not received a reply of any kind. I know you have been campaigning, but you have people working for you that should have read something and replied. But nothing.

In 2010 I ran for congress. I had no idea that it was rigged, by a Republican

I ran on the border, and I was happy to see you run on my platform, almost word for word.

I was married to a Ukrainian girl, and I brought her the legal way. But we are divorced now. And because of me, She has been a strong supporter of yours.

Now I am living in Oklahoma, and I am running again.

About me. I am 63 years old. I am a single father and have 2 teens living with me. I am also getting a disability. So, survival has not been easy.

I have been in the IT world for over 45 years.

I have had 7 strokes, 5 heart attacks and cancer 11 times. I am cured now. So, as you can see, I've had a rough life. I have had a lot of experience in many areas.

Now for what I am looking for. I want you to continue with the border and deport ALL the illegals. But something that seems to be getting swept under the rug are taxes. This is the biggest reason I voted for you. You said no more taxes on Social Security. Are you planning to let this go? If you do, you will lose a lot of support!

Also, internet scams are getting bad. You need to put someone in charge of that. Someone that will really do something. For instance, Dating sites. They have pictures and AI talking to men on these sites. Basically, tricking me into spending hundreds of dollars for nothing. We get emails that NO ONE is tracking and when you click on it, they are on your computer. Seems a lot are coming from overseas. I know this as a fact. After working in IT for 45 years, seems like no one wants to do anything about it. Let’s start by blocking the Ip of bad actors and going after email scams. We need to go after these ads that are a scam. A lot of them are with in the US. Perhaps we should prosecute or has the government become such a coward? Or maybe it would interrupt the flow of money to someone’s pocket. I would so love to be In charge of the internet. I bed I could roll a few heads. Starting in DC

Blocking the IP and domain name will solve a lot of problems, but to prosecute would help a lot. Then there is social media. The sex ads are way out of control. Facebook is one of the worst. And if you complain, then they reply to say it doesn’t break community standards. Maybe someone needs to step in and force fb to change those standards. Another option, fine them $1000 per ad if ANYONE under the age of 18 sees them. It only seems fair. Also, make everyone have a birthdate and verify that person. That will stop a lot of child sex!

You need someone like me, honest and fair and that will get the job done. Since no one in DC will get it done including my congressman, I am asking you to hire me and give me at least some authority to do this job. I am currently running for congress, but would be glad to give that up to actually become the internet czar. Congress seems to ignore many of us on these issues. As a matter of fact, I can’t find where congress helps us at all. I knocked on over 250,000 doors in 2010. Now that I am running in Oklahoma, I have started again. I talk to many people about many things. The issues I have brought up are the most important from what I am hearing.

Now people are starting to ask if you will listen.

Thank you very much.





Friday, November 29, 2024 8:14 AM

Harris lost – Trump won

Harris lost – Trump won

What happened

I am not much on spelling. I have no degree. But I think you will get the jest.

Trump said it and didn’t even know it. Common sense. That was the biggest part of it.

Hine site is 2020

Harris pulled in 1.5 BILLION in cash. But here is what a lot of people don’t know. She grabbed a lot of credit. She used a lot of money to pay off debt, some of which was from 2020. She paid off a lot of people at inflated rates.  Mostly Hollywood.

What did it show us, she was in charge of the money. She made the decisions on what to spend it on. That tells us a lot. She can’t manage campaign money, so what makes you think she can manage our money. Remember, she is in over $20 million in debt and can’t pay it. That’s after raking in 1.5 billion.

The media kept saying she was on the campaign trail and speaking to the people. I have yet to actually hear one person say, yes, I heard her.  When in fact, she hired many actors (part of the $1.5 billion) just to show up. I did try to go to one speech just so I could say I heard her speak. They paid me $25 to be in the crowd along with about 200 others. We never heard her say anything except hi how is everyone. That was it. We had plenty of the media there. They talked more than anyone.

On TV, Harris was a disaster. It was word salad after word salad. She can’t speak. Never could. I suspect Obama matters no more. He is the one that appointed her.

So why would you vote for her? Because she thinks she is black, or because she is a woman? The fact of the matter is, she doesn’t know if she is black depends on what election it is, what she is running for and what crowd she is in front of.  Why would you vote for a woman that is not very bright at best?

I would never vote based on that! I want to know who the best person is to run my country. And trust me, I listen, I study the people. I never listen to the media! Harris could not decide where she stood on anything, and when she did, it was only to go against Trump. I looked back at 2020 to see where she stood, I didn’t like what I saw. She was proud to be border idiot when she got the job, but when she figured out she messed it up and made it worse, she denied ever having control of it. I have worked in DC for many years. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. So I have an idea how it works. She just told another of many lies.

And lets not forget, all these taxes she was about to hit us with. If she let the Trump tax cuts expire, you taxes  go up, FOR EVERYONE by 15%. Now I get Social Security. My taxes go up every year. The if you own a home and lets say you bout it for $100k and you paid 2.5% interest. And starting next year, if you house value goes to 105k not only did you pay interest, you now have a 15% tax increase. Or maybe you bought a $1000 car. It breaks down and you pay $500 (tires) to get it fixed. And don’t forget, you just paid taxes on it just to get tags. Not to mention insurance. Oh crap, need a break job. Well that $1000 car just turned in to $1500+ car. But it doesn’t stop there. Under the Democrats, The car values go up by 2.3% (as defined by the Dem leaders in DC and the bill that was submitted in the senate. Oh darn. Now you have to pay taxes on that. 15% of 250 approx.

Lets say you by a wheel chair. They go up in price. I was just checking online the avg prices. They go up about 5% every year. Crap, now you pay another 15% on that. And according to the Dems, the feds track that

Now lets talk investments.

According to Harris and her word salad, she thinks we need a flat 35% tax on ALL investments. And lets not forget, unrealized gains, that’s 15% in itself.  She said she only want to raise taxes on those who make $400,000 and more.

So lets see how that works.

Lets just say the owner of Walmart files his taxes and he made 1 million to his salary.

Ok, he pays taxes on 1 mil.

Now you go buy food at walMart. You see the prices went up by 4 cents. Ahh, not a big deal. But what you don’t realize is you and a million others just paid the owners taxes with untraced money. That over priced car you just bought, why do you think you paid so much or your rent went up. YOU just paid some owners taxes.

So taxes go up for rich people, they don’t pay the same as we do, taxes and prices go up for us.

Trump lowering taxes for everyone is a win win for us little people

Healthcare. This is my favorite

When you need it

You shop

But you have to BUY it to know what’s in it.

Isn’t that what the Democrats have been saying all along? Come on, stop lying to yourself. You know they have.

Trump wanted to make everyone transparent, but the Democrats fought him every step of the way. and that was his first term. You ask why? Well, remember, I told you earlier, I worked in DC for about 10 years. Both sides fought Trump, because it would reveal the kickbacks EVERYONE was getting. Just the Dems could figure out how to hide it.

Now lets talk about the wars. Harris couldn’t make up her mind if she was for Israel or not. Slow walking arms to them. Or approving arms and slow walking and forgetting to send ammo (happened many times) it all depends on the crowd she was talking to and her location at the time. And this happened even more with Ukraine. Now Israel paid for their stuff, Ukraine just begged for cash so they could buy elsewhere. Trump wanted Ukraine to take out loans.  That way we were not paying for it. But Biden and Harris restrained Ukraine. You can’t do this and you can’t do that. It prolonged the war. Trump is saying do what you need to do. You’re the ones that have to pay for it. Trump told Israel the same thing.

So, can anyone tell me where Haris and Biden stand on this? You can’t. because both talk word salad on this subject.  

                I don’t claim to be Democrat or Republican. Im for whats best for me.

Trump was not the perfect candidate. He played games with the media and the media misreported those games. So much for the media.

Next I will wright about internet scam and the growing scams on people, specially on older folks and young men trying to find a wife.  Congress refuses to do anything about it.

Also on healthcare and why the morons in office won’t do anything about it.

Trump will help us far more than the Democrats will. Democrats have become deaf.

Thursday, September 26, 2024 3:21 PM

Wagoner kickoff

on Sept 26th at the Wagoner park, we had a very good kickoff. we had over 52 people show up. i met a lot of people and I listen to all of them. looks like taxes on social security was a big issue. it is something I have been speaking about for the past 10 years.


I have 7 new campaign workers. they are already spreading the word


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